
Social.Land allows you full control over the content moderation and visual display.

Simply open the app to customise your preferences and enjoy full moderation.

Display features

Varied design themes
Choose your theme and give your social media conversation a big visual impact.
Rich media
Stream live social media posts, videos, images and even website links to create exciting digital displays on social media walls.
Offline support
The social media wall will continue to display feeds that are in the database, even if internet connectivity is lost, without influencing the display. Once connectivity is re-established, the database will be updated. No more buffering!
Full HD support
Experience your social media feeds in high definition of up to 1920 x 1080.


Choose between Full or Auto moderation. Full moderation allows you to approve each post before it is displayed, while Auto moderation displays your most relevant posts.
Explicit language filters
Exclude any post that contains swearwords, explicit or offensive language. Social Land supports 11 languages, including English, French, Dutch, Spanish, Afrikaans, Zulu and Tswana.
Block specific users
Stay in control by blocking any user that might cause problems. This function allows you to selectively stop certain users without influencing the experience of other users.
Block specific words or phrases
Don’t let your social media feed be hijacked by unrelated content or social media spam. Block unwanted words or phrases.
Remove unwanted feeds
Identify and remove a specific feed – ensuring that it will not be displayed on the social media wall.
Remove retweets
Popular tweets are often retweeted. Exclude any retweeted content to ensure that it is not repeatedly displayed.