My venue


Other setup options

My special event / My event

CDJs at party

Your company has a public space: a foyer, waiting area or cafeteria, where your employees and visitors alike pass through or gather.

A social media wall or screen displays posts and comments on your company’s Facebook Page, with interspersed Twitter and Instagram posts by customers lauding your latest product release and recent community outreach project.

You need Social dot Land! We stream your social media feeds to a social media wall or your website.


For a once-off, short duration event, we recommend our Diamond package.

Click here for more details on our packages.


Social.Land allows you to pick a display theme, moderate posts, apply filters, block users and display rich media content.

Click here for more Arrow down


To run the Social.Land app, you need a PC connected to a screen, monitor or projector, as well as an internet connection. Click here for more detailed requirements.

It only takes 5 easy steps
to get Social.Land up and running
Choose your package
Configure your package
Download and install the Social dot Land app
Connect to a display device